2015 Meeting

Summary of the 19th Annual ECCR Meeting 2015, Friday 23rd – Sunday 25th October 2015, Poiano, Lake Garda, Italy

The 19th Annual Meeting of the European Council for Cardiovascular Research (ECCR) was held from Friday 23rd – Sunday 25th October 2015 at Poiano, Garda, Italy. Approximately 90 delegates represented the major research active groups in Europe and contributed to a programme noted for its outstanding scientific quality.

Members of the Council, presenters of critically refereed communications and a number of keynote lecturers contributed to a varied programme of topics. Keynote clinical lectures were given on the subjects of ‘Baroreceptor activation therapy’ by Peter de Leeuw (The Netherlands) and ‘Current status of non-pharmacological approaches to treatment of resistant hypertension’ by Michel Azizi (France). Moreover, keynote lectures in Basic Science were given by Thomas Unger (Maastricht) on ‘The protective arm of RAS’ and Diego De Stefani (Italy) on ‘Mitochondrial medicine: how to study mitochondrial functions in human cardiovascular diseases.’

In addition, a session was organised in conjunction with the COST-ADMIRE European initiatives with lectures by Natalia Lopez-Andres and Brian Harvey.

The meeting opened with a research workshop on updates on technology within the field of Cardiovascular Research. The session covered; Molecular Medicine, Vascular Research and Hypertension Research; they were highly successful and well attended.

Of the 2015 Annual Meeting submitted abstracts, 18 were accepted for Oral presentations and 42 for Poster Presentations.

Upon registering their attendance for the Annual Meeting, delegates were asked to state the name of the person who referred them to the meeting. All of these names were automatically added into the raffle and the winning name was chosen in the closing session of the meeting.

The iPad Raffle Winner for the 2015 ECCR Meeting was: Xavier Jeunemaitre who won an iPad Mini 2, 16GB. Congratulations Xavier!

The initiative was taken during the Annual Meeting to encourage friendly relationships and networking among all participants, a notion introduced this year that will be further expanded on next year with specific talks on networking.


Finally we would like to thank all of our sponsors for their generous unconditional support

  • Vicore Pharma
  • MDE
  • DMT
  • Trust Medical
  • Attoquant Diagnostics

We look forward to another successful meeting in Garda next year.

Gian Paolo Rossi
President of ECCR Society