ECCR January Newsletter

Dear members,

The ECCR wishes you a Happy New Year 2021.

We hope that this year may be filled with health and good moments, face-to-face conversations, hugs, lunch and dinners with our colleagues, friends and family. We wish you all the Best for 2021.

ECCR has launched a new website

We are excited to announce the launch of our newly designed website which is faster, easier to navigate, and more user-friendly.
Our goal is to provide our visitors and members with fluent information about the Society and it’s activities.

We appreciate your input and welcome questions, suggestions, feedback and comments. Please email us at

Membership for 2021 has opened

The ECCR Committee are pleased to confirm that membership for 2021 is now open. You can apply easily and quickly on the website and new payment system.

We warmly invite all delegates from the successful ECCR Virtual Meeting in 2020 to join and support the society and kindly remind current members to renew their membership.

We and look forward to your continued support to help the Society grow. Please go to the website for full details.

ECCR and The Turkish Society of Pharmacology webinar

Covid-19 and the Cardiovascular System: From Basic Mechanisms to Clinical Perspectives

3 – 5pm (CET) 27 January 2021
Join the first ECCR joint activity of 2021

Cardiovascular disease as a risk factor and complication of COVID-19 – Rhian Touyz, Glasgow, UK

Covid-19, an endothelial disease – Thomas Lüscher, Zürich, Switzerland

Round Table -New Evidences and Possible Treatment Options Targeting Cardiovascular System

  • Covid 19 and vascular aging –  Rosa M Bruno, Paris, France
  • Covid-19 and ACE2- RAAS Inhibition – Matthias Barton, Zürich, Switzerland
  • Covid 19 and eicosanoids – omega-3 derived pro-resolving lipid mediators – Gokce Topal, Istambul, Turkey

We would like to encourage all members to join, full registration details will follow shortly.
Until then best wishes and keep safe

Marisol Fernández-Alfonso
President ECCR