Martina Cebová, PhD

Dr. Martina Cebova, PhD.


2005 – PhD. – Philosophiae Doctor, Comenius University, Faculty of Medicine,   Bratislava, Slovakia, Normal and Pathological Physiology

2005 – RNDr. – Rerum Naturalium Doctor, Comenius University, Faculty of Natural     Sciences, Bratislava, Slovakia, Biology – Cytology

2001 – Mgr. – Magister, Comenius University, Faculty of Natural Sciences, Bratislava, Slovakia, Biology and Chemistry (equivalent to degree of Master of Sciences)

Current Research or area of work:

Studying the signalling pathways involved in experimental myocardial infarction with focus on nitric oxide and oxygen radical species as well as studying the signalling pathways that leads to hypertension and obesity.

Leadership Roles:

Vice director of Institute of Normal and Pathological Physiology, Centre of Experimental Medicine, SAS

Reason you joined ECCR: 

Possibility to bring together young scientists with older one to joint discussions and new ideas.

Journals that you find interesting:

Circulation, British Journal of Physiology and Pharmacology

Something personal about yourself outside of work:

Horse ride, cycling